Installing on

SUSE End of Life (EOL) for Riak KV 2.2.3

SUSE is no longer supported in Riak KV 2.9.10+. If you are interested in using Riak KV on SUSE, you can still build from source. The steps below have been left here for reference only and are no longer maintained.

Riak KV can be installed on OpenSuse and SLES systems using a binary package. The following steps have been tested to work with Riak on the following x86/x86_64 flavors of SuSE:

  • SLES11-SP1
  • SLES11-SP2
  • SLES11-SP3
  • SLES11-SP4
  • OpenSUSE 11.2
  • OpenSUSE 11.3
  • OpenSUSE 11.4

Installing with rpm

sudo rpm -Uvh riak-2.2.3-1.SLES11.x86_64.rpm

Next Steps

Now that Riak is installed, check out Verifying a Riak Installation.