
Virtual nodes, more commonly referred to as vnodes, are processes that manage partitions in the Riak ring. Each data partition in a Riak cluster has a vnode that claims that partition. Vnodes perform a wide variety of operations, from K/V storage operations to guaranteeing strong consistency if you choose to use that feature.

The Number of Vnodes in a Cluster

The term node refers to a full instance of Riak, be it on its own physical machine or alongside others on a single machine, as in a development cluster on your laptop. Each Riak node contains multiple vnodes. The number per node is the ring size divided by the number of nodes in the cluster.

This means that in some clusters different nodes will have different numbers of data partitions (and hence a different number of vnodes), because (ring size / number of nodes) will not produce an even integer. If the ring size of your cluster is 64 and you are running three nodes, two of your nodes will have 21 vnodes, while the third node holds 22 vnodes.

The output of the riak-admin member-status command shows this:

================================= Membership ==================================
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
valid      34.4%      --      'dev1@'
valid      32.8%      --      'dev2@'
valid      32.8%      --      'dev3@'
Valid: 3 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0

In this cluster, one node accounts for 34.4% of the ring, i.e. 22 out of 64 partitions, while the other two nodes account for 32.8%, i.e. 21 out of 64 partitions. This is normal and expected behavior in Riak.

We strongly recommend setting the appropriate ring size, and by extension the number of vnodes, prior to building a cluster. A full guide can be found in our cluster planning documentation.

The Role of Vnodes

Vnodes essentially watch over a designated subset of a cluster’s key space. Riak computes a 160-bit binary hash of each bucket/key pair and maps this value to a position on an ordered ring of all such values. The illustration below provides a visual representation of the Riak ring:

The Riak

You can think of vnodes as managers, responsible for handling incoming requests from other nodes/vnodes, storing objects in the appropriate storage backend, fetching objects from backends, interpreting causal context metadata for objects, acting as strong consistency ensembles and much more. At the system level, vnodes are Erlang processes build on top of the gen_fsm abstraction in Erlang, i.e. you can think of vnodes as finite state machines that are constantly at work ensuring that Riak’s key goals—high availability, fault tolerance, etc.—are guaranteed for their allotted portion of the cluster’s key space. Whereas nodes are essentially a passive container for a wide variety of Riak processes, vnodes are the true workhorses of Riak.

While each vnode has a main Erlang process undergirding it, vnodes may also spawn new worker processes (i.e. new Erlang actors) to perform asynchronous tasks on behalf of the vnode.

If you’re navigating through the file system of a Riak node, you’ll notice that each node’s /data directory holds a variety of subdirectories. If you’re using, say, Bitcask as a backend, navigate into the /bitcask directory (you’ll also see a /ring directory and several others). If you open up the /bitcask directory, you’ll see a wide assortment of directories with numbers as names, e.g. 0 or 1004782375664995756265033322.9.1044576013453623296. These directories each house the data from a particular partition.

Vnodes and Replication Properties

In our documentation on replication properties, we make frequent mention of users’ ability to choose how many nodes store copies of data, how many nodes must respond for a read request to succeed, and so on. This is slightly misleading, as the fundamental units of replication are not nodes but rather vnodes.

This can be illustrated by way of a potential user error. If you store an object and set N=5, this means that you want the object to be stored on 5 different nodes. But imagine that your cluster only has 3 nodes. Setting N=5 on a 3-node cluster is actually just fine. The data will be managed by 5 vnodes, but some of that data may end up being stored more than once on different nodes. A likely scenario is that two nodes will store two copies of the data a piece, while the third node will store only one. Absent such an error, however, nodes will not contain multiple vnodes responsible for the same partition.

Vnode Status

You can check the current status of all vnodes in your cluster using the riak-admin vnode-status command. When you run that command, you will see a series of reports on each of the vnodes active on the local node. The output of this command consists of a series of reports on each active vnode. The report for a specific vnode should look something like this:

VNode: 1278813932664540053428224228626747642198940975104
Backend: riak_kv_bitcask_backend
[{key_count, 275},

The meaning of each field is given in the table below.

Field Description
VNode The ID of the vnode in question
Backend The storage backend utilized by the vnode
Status The number of keys managed by the vnode and the file where the vnode stores its data. The other information can be ignored.