Testing the Riak CS Installation

Installing & Configuring s3/


The simplest way to test the installation is using the s3cmd script. We can install it on Ubuntu by typing:

sudo apt-get -y install s3/

s3cmd versions

The above command will install s3cmd version 1.1.0~beta3, which is the latest version available in Debian’s package reposiory. More current insatll instructions suggest using Python’s pip module to install s3cmd. If this method is used, s3cmd will use AWS Signature version 3 which is incompatible with RIak CS. As of s3cmd version 1.5.0, there is a --signature-v2 flag that can be used to have s3cmd use the older format, and correctly interact with Riak CS.

For OS X users, either use the package manager of your preference or download the S3 cmd package. You will need need to extract the .tar file, change directories into the folder, and build the package. The process should look something like this:

tar -xvzf s3cmd-1.6.1.tar.gz
cd s3cmd-1.6.1
sudo python setup.py install

You will be prompted to enter your system password. Enter it and then wait for the installation to complete.


We need to configure s3cmd to use our Riak CS server rather than S3 as well as our user keys. To do that interactively, type the following:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfgfasttrack --configure

If you are already using s3cmd on your local machine, the -c switch allows you to specify a .s3cfg file without overwriting anything you may have presently configured.

There are 4 default settings you should change:

  • Access Key — Use the Riak CS user access key you generated above.
  • Secret Key — Use the Riak CS user secret key you generated above.
  • Proxy Server — Use your Riak CS IP. If you followed the virtual environment configuration, use localhost.
  • Proxy Port — The default Riak CS port is 8080.

You should have copied your Access Key and Secret Key from the prior installation steps.

Interacting with Riak CS via S3/

Warning: s3cmd Signature Version

If you are using s3cmd version 1.5.0 or greater you will need to append the --signature-v2 flag to every command that targets a Riak CS cluster to have s3cmd use the AWS Signature version 2 rather than the default AWS Signature version 3

Once s3cmd is configured, we can use it to create a test bucket:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfgfasttrack mb s3://test-bucket

We can see if it was created by typing:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfgfasttrack ls

We can now upload a test file to that bucket:

dd if=/dev/zero of=test_file bs=1M count=2 # Create a test file
s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfgfasttrack put test_file s3://test-bucket

We can see if it was properly uploaded by typing:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfgfasttrack ls s3://test-bucket

We can now download the test file. First, let’s remove the file we generated previously:

rm test_file

Now, we can download the test_filestored in Riak CS:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfgfasttrack get s3://test-bucket/test_file

We should immediately see output like this:

s3://test-bucket/test_file -> ./test_file  [1 of 1]
 2097152 of 2097152   100% in    0s    59.63 MB/s  done

To verify that the file has been downloaded into the current directory:

ls -lah test_file

What’s Next

If you have made it this far, congratulations! You now have a working Riak CS test instance (either virtual or local). There is still a fair bit of learning to be done, so make sure and check out the Reference section (click “Reference” on the nav on the left side of this page). A few items that may be of particular interest: