Using Riak CS With Keystone

This document shows you how to configure Riak CS to work with the OpenStack Keystone authentication service.

Riak CS can be configured to use either the OpenStack Object Storage API or the S3 API in conjunction with Keystone for authentication.


In a system that uses Keystone for authentication, there are three main entity types to be aware of: tenants, users, and roles.

  • tenant — A tenant is a collection entity that can contain a number of users
  • user — A user represents an individual that uses the OpenStack system
  • role — A role is used to define a link between a user and a tenant and to indicate permissions of the user within that tenant

The OpenStack tenant_id maps to a key_id to identify a user account in Riak CS. In OpenStack, only users who are assigned an operator role for a tenant may perform operations. Other users that belong to a tenant may be granted access using ACLs.

Currently, Riak CS does not support OpenStack ACLs and only permits access to tenant operators. ACLs will be supported at a later date.

By default, Riak CS recognizes admin and swiftoperator as valid operator roles, but that list can be configured.

Riak CS does not currently support the use of multiple authentication servers via reseller prefixes, but if this turns out to be important based on user feedback, support may be added in the future.



Set the API using the rewrite_module configuration in the Riak CS riak-cs.conf file, or the old-style app.config file in the riak_cs section.

To use the S3 API, insert the following:

rewrite_module = riak_cs_s3_rewrite
{riak_cs, [
           %% Other configs
           {rewrite_module, riak_cs_s3_rewrite},
           %% Other configs

To use the OpenStack object storage API:

rewrite_module = riak_cs_oos_rewrite
{riak_cs, [
           %% Other configs
           {rewrite_module, riak_cs_oos_rewrite},
           %% Other configs

Authentication Module

Set the authentication module using the auth_module configuration in the Riak CS riak-cs.conf file, or the old-style app.config file in the riak_cs section.

To specify the Keystone authentication module:

auth_module = riak_cs_keystone_auth
{riak_cs, [
           %% Other configs
           {auth_module, riak_cs_keystone_auth},
           %% Other configs

Operator Roles

You may optionally override the default list of valid operator roles in the advanced.config file, or theapp.config file. The default roles are admin and swiftoperator, but others may be used:

 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_operator_roles, [<<"admin">>, <<"swiftoperator">>, <<"cinnamon">>]},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_operator_roles, [<<"admin">>, <<"swiftoperator">>, <<"cinnamon">>]},
            %% Other configs

Note: Each role should be formatted as shown above, with two angle brackets preceding and following each role value.

Root Host

Make sure that the value of the root_host key in the Riak CS riak-cs.conf file, or the cs_root_host key in the old-style advanced.config or app.config files matches the root host used for the object store in the Keystone configuration.

For example, given the following config snippet from a Keystone configuration file, the value for root_host (or cs_root_host) should be set to

catalog.RegionOne.object_store.publicURL =$(tenant_id)s
catalog.RegionOne.object_store.adminURL =
catalog.RegionOne.object_store.internalURL =$(tenant_id)s

The entry in the Riak CS configuration file would be as follows:

root_host =
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {cs_root_host, ""},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {cs_root_host, ""},
            %% Other configs

Admin Token

Riak CS needs to know the administration token so that it can successfully validate user tokens with Keystone. If no value for os_admin_token is specified, the default value is ADMIN. The value can be set by adding the following to the riak_cs section of the Riak CS advanced.config or app.config files:

 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_admin_token, "SNARFSNARFSNARF"},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_admin_token, "SNARFSNARFSNARF"},
            %% Other configs

Auth URL

Riak CS also needs to know the authentication URL to use to communicate with Keystone. The default value is "http://localhost:5000/v2.0". To override this value add the following to the riak_cs section of the Riak CS advanced.config or app.config files:

 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_auth_url, ""},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_auth_url, ""},
            %% Other configs

Keystone Resources

Riak CS needs to be be aware of a few resources to be able to perform authentication with Keystone. These resources are unlikely to need to be changed from their defaults, but that capability is provided in case the need arises.

  • Token Resources

The default is "tokens/". To override this, add the following to the riak_cs section of the Riak CS advanced.config or app.config files:

 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_tokens_resource, "mytokens/"},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_tokens_resource, "mytokens/"},
            %% Other configs
  • S3 Token Resources

This resource is only used when the S3 API is used in conjunction with Keystone authentication. The default is "s3tokens/". To override this, add the following to the riak_cs section of the Riak CS advanced.config or app.config files:

 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_s3_tokens_resource, "mys3tokens/"},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_s3_tokens_resource, "mys3tokens/"},
            %% Other configs
  • User Resources

The default is "users/". To override this, add the following to the riak_cs section of the Riak CS advanced.config or app.config files:

 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_users_resource, "users/"},
            %% Other configs
 {riak_cs, [
            %% Other configs
            {os_users_resource, "users/"},
            %% Other configs


Keystone Setup

Follow the procedures documented in Keystone Setup to set up and run Keystone.

  1. Create a tenant called test:

    keystone tenant-create --name test
  2. Using the tenant id of the tenant created in the previous step and create a user called test that is a member of tenant test:

    keystone user-create --name test /
      --pass test --email /
      --tenant-id <tenant-id> --enabled true
  3. Create a role called swiftoperator:

    keystone role-create --name swiftoperator
  4. Add the swiftoperator role for user test:

    keystone user-role-add --user-id <user-id>  /
    --role-id <role-id> --tenant-id <tenant-id>
  5. Create ec2 credentials for the user test:

    keystone ec2-credentials-create --user_id <user-id> /
    --tenant_id <tenant-id>

Testing Openstack API and Keystone authentication

  1. Start Riak, Riak CS, and Stanchion. Make sure that the values for the rewrite_module and auth_module keys in the Riak CS riak-cs.conf file, or the old-style advanced.config or app.config file in the riak_cs section, are set as follows:

    rewrite_module = riak_cs_oos_rewrite
    auth_module = riak_cs_keystone_auth
    {riak_cs, [
               %% Other configs
               {rewrite_module, riak_cs_oos_rewrite},
               {auth_module, riak_cs_keystone_auth},
               %% Other configs
    {riak_cs, [
               %% Other configs
               {rewrite_module, riak_cs_oos_rewrite},
               {auth_module, riak_cs_keystone_auth},
               %% Other configs
  2. Get an auth token for the test user to use in requests to Riak CS:

    curl -s -d '{"auth": {"tenantName": "test", "passwordCredentials": {"username": "test", "password": "test"}}}' /
      -H 'Content-type: application/json' /
      http://localhost:5000/v2.0/tokens | python -mjson.tool

    The value of the id field of the token object in the response is used as the value for the X-Auth-Token header in all subsequent requests to Riak CS. The publicURL for the object-store service listed in the serviceCatalog of the response is the base URL used for all API requests to Riak CS.

    Now export the token and public URL, like this:

    export ID=20f1a9e46ebd42a3bdd03e009722eeb8
    export URL=http://localhost:8080/v1/AUTH_8d84a17ac99d49fcb6f35c767dd562db
  3. Create a bucket (S3 bucket == OpenStack container)

    curl -X PUT /
      -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /
  4. List the buckets

    curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /
  5. Put an object into the bucket

    curl -X PUT /
      -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /
      --data 'abcdefghi123456789' /
  6. List the objects in the bucket

    curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /
  7. Fetch the object from the bucket

    curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /
  8. Delete the object

    curl -X DELETE /
      -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /
  9. Delete the bucket

    curl -X DELETE /
      -H 'X-Auth-Token: $ID' /

Testing S3 API and Keystone Authentication

  1. If Riak and Stanchion are not already running, start them now.

  2. Edit the Riak CS riak-cs.conf, or the old-style advanced.config or app.config file and restart Riak CS. The values for rewrite_module and auth_module should be set as follows:

    rewrite_module = riak_cs_s3_rewrite
    auth_module = riak_cs_keystone_auth
     {riak_cs, [
                %% Other configs
                {rewrite_module, riak_cs_s3_rewrite},
                {auth_module, riak_cs_keystone_auth},
                %% Other configs
     {riak_cs, [
                %% Other configs
                {rewrite_module, riak_cs_s3_rewrite},
                {auth_module, riak_cs_keystone_auth},
                %% Other configs
  3. Use the values of access and secret from the EC2 credentials created for the test user as the key_id and key_secret for signing requests. For example, if you are using s3cmd, use these credentials for the access_key and secret_key fields of the .s3cfg file. The subsequent examples are done using s3cmd since it is a fairly common tool.

  4. Create a sample file to upload

    echo "ilovechickenilovelivermeowmixmeowmixwilldeliver" > upload.txt
  5. Create a bucket (i.e. container)

    s3cmd mb s3://bucket2
  6. List the buckets

    s3cmd ls
  7. Put an object into the bucket

    s3cmd put upload.txt s3://bucket2
  8. Fetch the object from the bucket

    ss3cmd get s3://bucket2/upload.txt download.txt
  9. Delete the object

    s3cmd del s3://bucket2/upload.txt
  10. Delete the bucket

    s3cmd rb s3://bucket2