Spark-Riak Connector Add-on (Riak TS)
Quick Start Guide

This guide will run you through a quick example that uses the Spark-Riak connector to read and write data using Java, Scala, and Python. We will assume you are running this guide on Mac OSX.


Start Riak TS with riak start.

Scroll down or click below to find the desired quick start guide: - Scala - Python - Java


In this quick start guide we will run you through an example usage of the Spark-Riak connector using the Spark Scala REPL.

Start Spark Scala REPL with:

path/to/spark-shell \
--conf \
--driver-class-path /path/to/spark-riak-connector-»VERSION«-uber.jar

Import the following:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
import java.sql.Timestamp
import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.connector.Riakconnector

Then set up Spark SQLContext:

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._

Create an RDD with some data:

val testRDD = sc.parallelize(Seq(
  (1, "f", Timestamp.valueOf("1980-1-1 10:00:00"), "v1"),
  (1, "f", Timestamp.valueOf("1980-1-1 10:10:00"), "v2"),
  (1, "f", Timestamp.valueOf("1980-1-1 10:20:00"), "v3")))

Convert the RDD to a Spark SQL DataFrame and look at the schema:

val df = testRDD.toDF("k", "family", "ts", "value")

Then, create a TS table with the same data format as the testRDD that we created:

val tableName = "ts_table_c"
val connector = Riakconnector(sc.getConf)

connector.withSessionDo(session =>{
          val request = new com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.timeseries.Query.Builder(
              |   CREATE TABLE $tableName  (
              |       k       SINT64    not null,
              |       family  VARCHAR   not null,
              |       ts      TIMESTAMP not null,
              |       value   VARCHAR,
              |       primary key ((k, family, quantum(ts,1,h)), k, family, ts)
              |   )

val response = session.execute(request)})

Now, write the Spark SQL DataFrame to the newly created Riak TS table:


And, finally, check that the table was successfully written into the Riak TS by making a simple query and printing the result:

val test_query = "ts >= CAST('1980-1-1 10:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) AND ts <= CAST('1980-1-1 10:30:00' AS TIMESTAMP) AND k = 1 AND family = 'f'"

val df2 ="org.apache.spark.sql.riak").load(tableName).filter(test_query)


In this quick start guide we will run through some examples usages of the Spark-Riak connector using the Spark Python REPL, pyspark.

Start pyspark with:

/path/to/bin/pyspark \
--conf \
--driver-class-path /path/to/spark-riak-connector-{{version}}-uber.jar

Make some imports:

import riak, datetime, time, random

Set up Riak TS connection:

pb_port = '8087'
hostAndPort = ":".join([host, pb_port])
client = riak.RiakClient(host=host, pb_port=pb_port)
table_name = 'pyspark-%d' % int(time.time())
table = client.table(table_name)

Create a TS table:

create_sql = """CREATE TABLE %(table_name)s (
site varchar not null,
species varchar not null,
measurementDate timestamp not null,
value double,
PRIMARY KEY ((site, species, quantum(measurementDate, 24, h)),
    site, species, measurementDate))
""" % ({'table_name': table_name})
result = table.query(create_sql)

Print the schema:

schema = table.describe().rows
for r in schema:
    print r

You should see:

['site', 'varchar', False, 1L, 1L]
['species', 'varchar', False, 2L, 2L]
['measurementDate', 'timestamp', False, 3L, 3L]
['value', 'double', True, None, None]

Generate and print some data:

site = 'AA'
species = 'fff'
start_date = int(time.time())
events = []
for i in range(9):
    measurementDate = start_date + i
    value = random.uniform(-20, 110)
    events.append([site, species, measurementDate, value])

end_date = measurementDate

for e in events:
    print e

You should see something like this:

['AA', 'fff', 1460147465, 84.2863373359625]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147466, 22.460677478919976]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147467, 99.44873894866066]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147468, 79.22655985587694]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147469, 20.37795468066598]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147470, 77.30363887094994]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147471, 77.48514266033274]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147472, 78.94730225284083]
['AA', 'fff', 1460147473, 29.09084815136098]

Create an RDD from the generated data:

testRDD = sc.parallelize(events)

Take this RDD and convert it to a DataFrame and rename the columns to match the Riak TS table:

df = testRDD.toDF(['site', 'species','measurementDate','value'])

You should see something like this:

|site|species|measurementDate|             value|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147465|  84.2863373359625|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147466|22.460677478919976|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147467| 99.44873894866066|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147468| 79.22655985587694|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147469| 20.37795468066598|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147470| 77.30363887094994|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147471| 77.48514266033274|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147472| 78.94730225284083|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147473| 29.09084815136098|

Write the DataFrame to the TS table:

df.write \
    .format('org.apache.spark.sql.riak') \
    .option('', hostAndPort) \
    .mode('Append') \

Let’s check that the write was successful by reading the TS table into a new DataFrame:

sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
df2 =\
    .option("", hostAndPort)\
    .option("spark.riakts.bindings.timestamp", "useLong")\
    .filter("""measurementDate > %(start_date)s
        AND measurementDate <  %(end_date)s
        AND site = '%(site)s'
        AND species = '%(species)s'
    """ % ({'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'site': site, 'species': species}))

Print the table schema:


You should see:

 |-- site: string (nullable = false)
 |-- species: string (nullable = false)
 |-- measurementDate: long (nullable = false)
 |-- value: double (nullable = true)

Show the DataFrame:

You should see something like this:

|site|species|measurementDate|             value|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147466|22.460677478919976|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147467| 99.44873894866066|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147468| 79.22655985587694|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147469| 20.37795468066598|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147470| 77.30363887094994|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147471| 77.48514266033274|
|  AA|    fff|     1460147472| 78.94730225284083|

Register the DataFrame as a temp SQL table and run a SQL query to obtain the average of the “value” column:

sqlContext.sql("select avg(value) as average_value from pyspark_tmp").show()

You should see something similar to this:

|    average_value|


Coming Soon!