Multi-Datacenter Replication Reference: Statistics

The following definitions describe the output of riak-repl status. Both Version 2 and Version 3 Replication statistics can be obtained using the riak-repl status command.

There are two things that you should note:

  1. Many of these statistics will appear only on the current leader node
  2. The counts for all statistics will be reset to 0 upon restarting Riak Riak unless otherwise noted
Field Description
cluster_leader Which node is the current leader of the cluster
connected_clusters A list of all sink clusters to which this source is connected


The riak-repl status command should not be executed more than once a minute, as statistics are recalculated every time the command is executed, and some statistics require network communication between nodes. This performance note also applies to the HTTP /riak-repl/stats endpoint.

Realtime Replication Statistics

Statistics for both the source or sink sides of realtime replication. These values can be found under either sources.source_stats or sinks.sink_stats.

Field Description
realtime_enabled A list of all realtime sinks that are enabled
realtime_started A list of all realtime sinks that are started
rt_dirty The number of errors detected that can prevent objects from being replicated via realtime. These include errors on the source or sink connection, or realtime queue overload resulting in objects being dropped from the queue. This value will persist across restarts until a fullsync is complete.
rt_sink_errors A sink error has been detected on the source node. This value will be reset to 0 after a node restarts.
rt_sink_connected_to.source_drops The number of dropped put transfers from the perspective of the sink cluster
rt_source_errors A source error has been detected on the source node. This value will be reset to 0 after a node restarts.
Field Description
rt_source_connected_to The name of the sink cluster to which the source cluster is connected
rt_sink_connected_to The name of the source cluster to which the sink cluster is connected
connected If true, then the source is connected to a sink (or vice versa)
objects The number of realtime replication objects that have been successfully transmitted to the sink cluster
sent_seq The last realtime queue sequence number that has been transmitted
acked_seq The last realtime queue sequence number that has been acknowledged
expect_seq The next realtime queue sequence number that is expected
hb_rtt Realtime replication heartbeat round-trip time in milliseconds, recorded on the replication source
hb_last {MegaSeconds, Seconds, MicroSeconds} since a heartbeat message was received on the realtime sink

These values are under realtime_queue_stats.

Field Description
bytes The size in bytes of all objects currently in the realtime queue
consumers A list of source consumers of the realtime queue
consumers.<clustername>.drops The number of dropped realtime sync put transfers per sink cluster, from the perspective of the source cluster (“dropped” in this context meaning either that the outgoing data queue was full or that there was a connection error)
drops The number of objects dropped from the realtime queue as the result of the queue being full or other errors
errs The number of errors while pushing/popping from the realtime queue
overload_drops The number of put transfers that have been dropped due to an overload of the message queue of the Erlang process responsible for processing outgoing transfers
pending The number of objects waiting to be sent to the sink cluster
sinkclustername A consumer of the realtime queue
unacked The number of objects waiting to be acknowledged by a queue consumer

Fullsync Replication Statistics

Field Description
fullsync_enabled A list of all sinks that are enabled
fullsync_running A list of all sinks that are running
server_fullsyncs The number of fullsync operations that have occurred since the server was started
fullsyncs_completed The number of fullsyncs that have been completed to the specified sink cluster.
fullsync_start_time The time the current fullsink to the specified cluster began.
last_fullsync_duration The duration (in seconds) of the last completed fullsync.

If this cluster is acting as a source, the fullsync_coordinator field returns a list of {<sink_clustername>:<fullsync_stats>}. If this cluster is acting as a sink, the fullsync_coordinator_srv field returns a list of {<LocalIP:Port>:<fullsync_coordinator_srv_stats>}.

Those fields are described in the following tables.

Field Description
cluster The name of the sink cluster
queued The number of partitions that are waiting for an available process
in_progress The number of partitions that are being synced
starting The number of partitions connecting to remote cluster
successful_exits The number of partitions successfully synced. When completed, this will be the same number as total number of partitions in the ring.
error_exits If a sync failed or was aborted, the partition will be queued again and try again later
running_stats [{<PID>, <stats>},…] Any running sync processes are listed here, and described in the table below
socket See Socket Statistics
fullsync_suggested Realtime replication errors occurred on these nodes, a fullsync is suggested
fullsync_suggested_during_fs Realtime replication errors occurred on these nodes while a fullsync is already in progress. A fullsync is suggested after the current fullsync completes. These value will be moved to the fullsync_suggested value when the current fullsync completes.
socket {peername: <RemoteIP:Port>, sockname: <LocalIP:Port>}

The running_stats field contains the following fields.

Field Description
node The local cluster source node currently participating in fullsync replication
site The name of the sink cluster. Warning: This will be renamed in future versions of Riak.
strategy The strategy that fulfills fullsync replication. In previous versions of replication, different values could be configured. This value could be changed depending on your replication needs.
fullsync_worker The Erlang process id of the fullsync worker.
socket See Socket Statistics
state The current state of fullsync replication. This can be used by Basho support to identify replication issues.
  • wait_for_partition
  • build_keylist
  • wait_keylist
  • diff_bloom
  • diff_keylist
fullsync The partition that is currently being synchronized with the sink cluster
partition_start Elapsed time in seconds since the fullsync partition started replication to a sink
stage_start Elapsed time in seconds since the state started running on the source
get_pool_size The number of workers that are used to read data from Riak during a fullsync

Socket Statistics

Many sections of the status output include a socket section. A reading is taken once every 10 seconds, and the last 7 readings are stored.

Field Description
peername <ip:port> The address and port for the other end of a connection
recv_avg The average size of packets in bytes received to the socket
recv_cnt The number of packets received by the socket
recv_dvi The average packet size deviation in bytes received by the socket
recv_kbps Socket kilobits/second received
recv_max Size of the largest packet in bytes received to the socket
send_cnt Number of packets sent from the socket
send_kbps Socket kilobits/second sent
send_pend The number of bytes in the Erlang VM to be sent over the socket
sockname <host:port> The address and port for “this end” of the connection

Version 2 Replication Statistics

The following definitions describe the output of riak repl status. Please note that many of these statistics will only appear on the current leader node.

Note: All counts will be reset to 0 upon restarting Riak.

Field Description
listener_[nodeid] Defines a replication listener (primary) that is running on node [nodeid]
[sitename]_ips Defines a replication skin
client_bytes_recv The total number of bytes the client has received since the server has been started
client_bytes_sent The total number of bytes sent to all connected secondaries
client_connect_errors The number of TCP/IP connection errors
client_connects A count of the number of sink connections made to this node.
client_redirect If a client connects to a non-leader node, it will be redirected to a leader node
client_rx_kbps A snapshot of the sink received kilobits/second taken once a minute. The past 8 snapshots are stored in this list. Newest snapshots appear on the left side of the list.
client_tx_kbps A snapshot of the sink sent kilobits/second taken once a minute. The past 8 snapshots are stored in this list. Newest snapshots appear on the left side of the list.
elections_elected If the replication leader node becomes unresponsive or unavailable, a new leader node in the cluster will be elected
elections_leader_changed The number of times a Riak node has surrendered leadership
objects_dropped_no_clients If the realtime replication work queue is full and there are no clients to receive objects, then objects will be dropped from the queue. These objects will be synchronized during a fullsync operation.
objects_dropped_no_leader If a sink cannot connect to a leader, objects will be dropped during realtime replication
objects_forwarded The number of Riak objects forwarded to the leader the participate in replication. Please note that this value will only be accurate on a non-leader node.
objects_sent The number of objects sent via realtime replication
server_bytes_recv The total number of bytes the primary has received
server_bytes_sent The total number of bytes the primary has sent
server_connect_errors The number of primary to sink connection errors
server_connects The number of times the primary connects to the client sink
server_rx_kbps A snapshot of the primary received kilobits/second taken once a minute. The past 8 snapshots are stored in this list. Newest snapshots appear on the left side of the list
server_tx_kbps A snapshot of the primary sent kilobits/second taken once a minute. The past 8 snapshots are stored in this list. Newest snapshots appear on the left side of the list.
leader Which node is the current leader of the cluster for Version 2 Replication
local_leader_message_queue_len The length of the object queue on the leader
local_leader_heap_size The amount of memory the leader is using
client_stats See Client Statistics
server_stats See Server Statistics

Client Statistics

Field Description
node A unique ID for the Riak node that the sink in running on
site The connected site (sink) name. Warning: This will be renamed in a future version of Riak.
strategy A replication strategy defines an implementation of the Riak Replication protocol. Valid values: keylist, syncv1.
fullsync_worker The Erlang process ID of the fullsync worker
waiting_to_retry The primaries currently waiting to retry replication after a failure
connected A list of connected clients
  • connected The IP address and port of a connected sink
  • cluster_name The name of the connected sink
  • connecting The PID, IP address, and port of a client currently establishing a connection
state State shows what the current replication strategy is currently processing. The following definitions appear in the status output if keylist strategy is being used. They can be used by Basho support to identify replication issues.
  • request_partition
  • wait_for_fullsync
  • send_keylist
  • wait_ack

Server Statistics

Field Description
node A unique ID for the Riak node that the source is running on
site The connected site (sink) name configured with. Warning: This will be renamed in a future version of Riak.
strategy A replication strategy defines an implementation of the Riak Replication protocol. Valid values: keylist, syncv1.
fullsync_worker The Erlang process ID of the fullsync worker
bounded_queue See Bounded Queue
state State shows what the current replication strategy is currently processing. The following definitions appear in the status output if keylist strategy is being used. They can be used by Basho support to identify replication issues.
  • wait_for_partition
  • build_keylist
  • wait_keylist
  • diff_bloom
  • diff_keylist
message_queue_len The number of Erlang messages that are waiting to be processed by the server

Bounded Queue

The bounded queue is responsible for holding objects that are waiting to participate in realtime replication. Please see the [Riak V2 MDC Replication Configuration][config v2 mdc] or [Riak V3 MDC Replication Configuration][config v3 mdc] guides for more information.

Field Description
queue_pid The Erlang process ID of the bounded queue
dropped_count The number of objects that failed to be enqueued in the bounded queue due to the queue being full. These objects will be replicated during the next fullsync operation.
queue_length The number of Riak objects currently in the bounded queue
queue_byte_size The size of all objects currently in the queue
queue_max_size The number of bytes the queue can hold before objects are dropped. These objects will be replicated during the next fullsync operation.
queue_percentage The percentage of the queue that is full
queue_pending The current count of “in-flight” objects we’ve sent that the client has not acknowledged
queue_max_pending The maximum number of objects that can be “in flight” before we refuse to send any more.

Accessing Replication Web-Based Statistics

These stats can be accessed via the command line with the following command:

curl -q

A simple way to view formatted statistics is to use a command such as:

curl -q | json_pp